Author Archives: Mark Doliner

Moving update, the final week

We did it! we’re in North Carolina now. The final week in California was definitely the hardest, but no major problems, so that’s good. Took Edie to her one year doctor appointment. Took Toro to the vet to get a … Continue reading

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Moving update, four weeks in

It’s been a busy two weeks since my last status update. We have just nine days to go and our kids won’t be in daycare for the remainder, so it’ll be harder to get stuff done. We have a good … Continue reading

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Moving update, two weeks in

Friday, March 1 was Emily and my last days at our respective jobs. We’re flying out April 9th, which gives us only five weeks to prepare and we have a long list of things to do. We’re two weeks in. … Continue reading

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Deciding whether to rent or sell

As mentioned earlier, Emily and I are moving out of our condo in San Mateo. We had to decide whether to keep it as an investment (and probably offer it for rent), or sell it. It’s not an easy question! … Continue reading

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We’re moving!

Friends! The time has come for Emily, Ruby, Edie, Toro and I to move back East! In April we’ll be selling our condo in San Mateo. We’ll be bouncing back and forth between Raleigh and Wilmington for a few months … Continue reading

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Rounding numbers in Python 2 and Python 3

There are two changes to rounding between Python 2 and Python 3 that programmers should watch out for when migrating. I realize that Python 3 has been out for ten years, but I also know there are still people using … Continue reading

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Podcast reviews

I’ve started listening to a lot of podcasts over the last few years. Mostly when walking to and from work. I took some time to write my thoughts about each one. Partially because I thought other people might be interested, … Continue reading

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Our government is separating more immigrant children from their mothers than it used to

And it’s awful. If you want to punish people for crossing the border illegally, fine, whatever. But that is not an acceptable reason to separate a child from their parent. Children don’t control whether their parents bring them across the … Continue reading

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