I moved my personal web log from LiveJournal to a self-hosted WordPress. I don’t have any major problems with LiveJournal, they have served me well over the years. My reasons for switching:
- Could not have multiple saved drafts
- Did not have an RSS feed of a tag or category
- Appearance was not customizable enough
- Wanted my stuff to be less scattered across the web
- LiveJournal is for some reason associated with emo middle schoolers
Let me just say that WordPress is incredible. Everything works perfectly. I was able to import all my posts and comments from LiveJournal with just a few clicks of their importer–and it was even fast! Installing themes, plugins and updates is amazingly easy. Even setting up pretty permalinks is totally automatic.
Well done, WordPress developers and contributors!
I also decided to overhaul the rest of kingant.net while I was at it. Mostly I deleted stuff that was old and silly, including my self-written content management system.
and the last self written content management system goes offline…
Mark did you move your IM account somewhere I don’t know about too?
I’m mark.doliner@gmail.com on Jabber/XMPP, markdoliner on AIM and Yahoo! and markdoliner@hotmail.com on MSN.