C: The One True Language

Call me crotchety, but I feel like C is the only language that should be used for software that could ever be required to be scalable. So like, servers and stuff. I guess I’m ok with C++, too. I just feel like it’s so much more efficient than anything else. I feel like decent architecture totally obviates the need for object-orientedness.

And Java, ugh. I don’t understand how a language that isn’t compiled directly to machine code could have ever become so widely used for end-user applications and servers. I feel like end-user applications need to be as snappy as possible, and VMs and JITs just don’t cut it. And Java just has way too much overhead for a server environment.

But I don’t know, I’m hardly a normal user. I’m probably not even a normal developer.

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10 Responses to C: The One True Language

  1. modified says:


    Mmmm I love me some Java.

    • whatsupdawgs says:

      I’m with Brian. I think Java is plenty fast. Don’t forget you can still actually compile it if you have to. I’ve seen Java in embedded systems before. Don’t forget it’s not just about speed of code, but speed of development.

      I take more exception with the assertion that object orientedness is not necessary. Are you joking?

      Besides, if you want really fast and really scalable, you should be writing in Fortran. Or assembly.

  2. You are not a normal ANYTHING, Mark.

      • eliggy says:

        seriously though, why do JIT compilers not cut it? I don’t know much about it but if you care to explain I’ll gladly listen.

        • Mark Doliner says:

          With VMs and JIT compilers, the original code is compiled to an intermediate format. Then when you run the application, the VM or JIT translates the code from the intermediate format to native machine code.

          The difference between a VM and JIT is subtle… a VM translates each instruction one at a time from the intermediate language into machine code on the fly. A JIT compiler basically does the same thing, except for that the compiled code is cached in memory while the application is running. So the intermediate code only has to be compiled the first time it’s needed, and subsequent uses of the same parts of the program will just re-use the compiled code.

          I feel like Microsoft’s JIT for .NET is much better than Java VMs, but it’s still a little slower when starting applications. All of my crotchety opinions are based on an arguably small amount of experience.

  3. cpandar says:

    true dat. why do people use java for so much? i like speed.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I can’t believe this post generated more interest than the Billy Joel story. Billy Joel rocks.


  5. Anonymous says:

    VP of Instant Messaging Freedom Corporation… Awwwwww yeah!! By the way, I love Gaim Pidgin and used it religiously back when I was stuck with a Windows box.

    And I might be the only one, but I’m waiting with bated breath to see what’s comin’ out of the Meebo labs soon…

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